Monday, April 26, 2010

Finding the goal when writing copy

A professor once told me that in order to write effective copy, it must be equal parts business and poetry. Find the balance, he said, and you'll write copy that kills.

It's something that I always strive to do. Make the reader remember the copy, but remember the brand as well. Let the readers get lost in thought, just a little, but make the cash register ring.

Unfortunately, at best it is difficult to do. At worst, I forget to do it. It is so simple to remember to marry the creative and business side. But it can sometimes stop me in my tracks, too.

I came across Lorraine Thompson's blog comparing writing copy to acting, and it was a perfect metaphor for my goal when sitting down in front of a blank computer screen. As someone who has done a little stage work (a little) I'm familiar with method acting. Comparing the goals of a copywriter to Brando was simple, fitting, and in a word, perfect. I wish I would have thought of it. But I guarantee that I'll remember it.

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